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Women with purpose are rare and even a few who have aim to become stones when their Deen has given them the strength to become diamonds and this all brings us to the idea of “Ideal Woman”. What has the world done to Woman? Is she merely left for the Beauty products’ marketing or fancy clothes and diamond rings. Is she just there to attain the physical attractiveness and overlook the Mind she possesses and the Heart she has?

You need an ambition, something that fuels you to race with highest speeds but racing in the right direction is all that matters and right direction? What is that? Right direction isn’t racing to wear brands to look beautiful, or having Lore’al, Maybelline and Sunsilk to make us “Woman”. I’m sorry to say, My dear sisters in Islam, Real beauty isn’t what the Modern Women’s definition defines. These beauty Ads, These products, the fair skin, the long beautiful hair are just the modern worlds Ideal of beauty and these can’t really stop you from being labeled as an Ugly Duckling. The Ugly Duckling in the eternal life is the one who fails to respect her, respect her mind and respect her body. If you know how beautiful Islam has raised you to be like an Oyster in the shell you’d stop humiliating yourself by calling your unveiled attires, Freedom and Modernity or as the Nineteenth century English writers say “The New Woman”. We’d then stop idealizing the Heroines that appear on Television. We’d stop boasting about how beautiful they appear to be, once we realize what definition of “Beautiful Woman” is eternally acceptable and valid. Beauty fades, your flowery skin blooming today will wither like a dead rose tomorrow.

You know what the true heroines of Islam were like, Let me take you down the Road to meet some great women crusaders in Islam; Unrivalled to those you idealize and to us. They were the reflection of patience, bravery and forbearance. Their beauty came from Noor of Allah due to their Noble Conducts and Selfless Characters. They were fair, because they were pure and virtuous. They worked towards being beautiful swans rather than ugly ducklings because they weren’t stuck on the trivial things in life we’re holding on to. Their days and their nights were spent praising their Lord and that doesn’t mean that intellectually these women lacked. Their list of achievements and accomplishment is greater than any Women alive today. They were thirsty for knowledge and Aisha (R.A) was the shining star with a brilliant mind and remarkable memory was the book of knowledge of Fiqh, Hadith, Tafseer and Shariah. It’s sad that today we take Actresses, singers, Fashionistas as the paradigms of our role models and those Women of Paradise that gave us the real respect and status have been forgotten by us.

Today, we’ve no shame in walking on streets with backless and sleeveless clothes, we’re happy devaluing ourselves while Allah swt created us to be no less than a Diamond, we work hard to become no less than a pebble. If you’d known how objectified the idea of “New Woman” has made you, you would hold on to the Muslim Ideals with your Teeth. If Nakedness means modern, Animals are naked too.

If you knew, how when you’re a daughter you become the reason for your father to enter Jannah, when you’re a Mother Jannah is under your feet and when you become a Wife, You complete your other half’s Deen you’d never humiliate yourselves by moulding your attitudes, your characters according to the so called Modern Woman because “Modest Woman” is the truest, purest definition of beauty and is an epitome of “Super-Heroine”.


So Rise AGAIN.

Let the world know how protected you’re. How precious you are. How dignified you are.